Room for both a 13-inch MacBook Pro or UltraBook, AND an iPad AND some manila folders and documents. Remove the 2-inch Center Section and end up with the B0 SLIM.
Two different bags for the price of one.
The B2 COMPUTE is the FLEX System "computer bag" and is perfect for anyone who wants a small, efficient way to carry their 13-inch laptop along with all the associated essentials. Or, it can serve as a compact document bag, or a lunch bag, or it could even carry a single change of clothes.
NOTE: If you have a 15-inch laptop, we have a CENTER SECTION for you: Check out the CS2-TALL.
The B2 consists of the POCKET CAP FRONT, CENTER SECTION 2, and FLAT CAP REAR. (It also includes the MH, SS, and SLIM HANDLE KIT.)
The CS2 provides, you guessed it, two inches of storage depth, but keep in mind that there is also two thin flat storage areas BETWEEN each of the three modules. (Remember, it is a soft bag so it can expand slightly in every direction.) Keep in mind also that you can add any other Center Section to the B2 (like zip a CS4 in between the CS2 and the FCR) to add more storage on certain days. Any FLEX System module can zip onto any other FLEX System module. The Main Compartment of the CS2 in the B2 has locking zipper sliders.
This configuration will very commonly be used to carry a 13" Laptop along with an iPad (or other tablet) and some additional documentation. But it might also serve as an ultra narrow VFR flight bag if you happen to have the compact in-the-ear type of headset, or a headset where the ear cups fold flat. It's also a great commercial carry-on bag, or an outstanding daily personal bag (also known as a "man purse").
The other great thing about this bag is that it is actually TWO bags. Not only is it a B2 COMPUTE, but you can also build a B0 SLIM by removing the center section and zipping just the two End Cap modules together.