A literary benchmark for the teaching of the multitude of components and complexities inherent in the challenging activity of learning to fly.
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As ever, From the Ground Up charts its way through subjects related to Aircraft
Operations, Air Law, Meteorology, Navigation & Communications, and General
Airmanship. Within this overall structure, a multitude of subjects – all essential
“need to know” content for students working towards their licences to fly – are
presented with their customary breadth and scope.
Building on the substantial updating to its design that was introduced during the
tenure of the title’s previous edition, From the Ground Up, 30th Edition boasts
further upgrades to its abundance of figures and illustrations. Most significantly, hundreds of updates to content
have been inserted wherever such amendments have been required. Furthermore, new content on topics not
seen before has been added to enhance the scale of readership knowledge.
From the Ground Up, 30th Edition retains its unique interior layout, so designed to render its multi-layered
structure easy to follow. Colour-coding of chapter pages make for the pinpointing of subjects easily identifiable.
Thus, when delving into the book for quick reference, accessing the topic one seeks is readily improved.
As ever, chapters within the book’s major sections include: The Aeroplane, Theory of Flight, Aero Engines,
Aerodromes & Airspace, Air Rules & Procedures, Aviation Weather, Air Navigation Theory, Radio Communications,
Radio Navigation, Airmanship, Human Factors, and Air Safety. Updated Appendices include a completely
revamped Sample Examination, the customary extensive Glossary, and an expansive and fine-tuned Index.

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