To better reflect changes abounding throughout the industry, Unmanned, 3rd
Edition has been updated ever-more so over the title’s first two editions.
Significant new content has been added to match expanded rules set out within
Transport Canada’s Knowledge Requirements for RPAS up to 25 kg operating
within Visual-Line-of-Sight (VLOS). Detailed new technical content has been added with greatly enhanced focus
on multi-rotor RPAS, as well as on protocols and considerations on how best to safely and efficiently operate RPAS
of all configurations.
Expanded content within Unmanned can be found within: Evolution of RPAS, Regulations & Authorities,
Components of Fixed-wing and Rotary-wing RPAS, Flight Command & Control, Flight Operation Pilots & Crew,
Situational Awareness, Types of RPAS Operations, Physics of Multi-rotor Flight, Payloads, Power Sources, Launch &
Recovery, Special Flight Operating Certificates, Mission Planning, Fixed Wing RPAS, and Rotary Wing RPAS. And very
much more.